Update:Below Ice Mountain Poll Blog (2024)

This official news post is copied verbatim from the Old School RuneScape website. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
It was added on 16 February 2021.

Welcome to Below Ice Mountain, a new novice free-to-play quest! This adventure will see you unearthing the ancient secrets that lie hidden, errr... below Ice Mountain. Completion of the quest will grant access to the Ice Mountain Dungeon, a new free-to-play area packed with combat opportunities, skilling activities and lots of lovely lore. If you enjoyed the fearsome Forthos Dungeon, this is a must-play.

We're hoping to poll the content either this week or next, but that all depends on your initial feedback. So, give the blog a read and share your thoughts!

If the content passes, we hope to release it some time in April. It's a bit of a wait, but there's plenty to keep you going in March, including TzHaar-Ket-Rak's 6 Jad Challenge, the Easter holiday event, Tempoross (the Fishing Skilling Boss) and other, smaller updates!

We'll be hosting an additional livestream this to cover any questions about the content in this blog. So, in addition to Thursday's regular Q&A, you can join us tomorrow (Wednesday 17th) at 5pm GMT!


  • 1 Changelog and Feedback (Updated 18/02/21)
  • 2 Below Ice Mountain
  • 3 Ice Mountain Dungeon
    • 3.1 What To Do In The Ruins
    • 3.2 Religious Offerings (Prayer)
      • 3.2.1 Step 1: Fishing
      • 3.2.2 Step 2: Cooking
      • 3.2.3 Step 3: Prayer
    • 3.3 Fishing XP Rates
    • 3.4 Golem Cores (Runecraft)
      • 3.4.1 Step 1 - Combat
      • 3.4.2 Step 2 - Runecrafting
    • 3.5 Gathering Relics (Mining and Smithing)
      • 3.5.1 Step 1 - Mining
      • 3.5.2 Step 2 - Smithing
    • 3.6 The Vault
    • 3.7 Other Rewards
      • 3.7.1 Barronite Mace
      • 3.7.2 Dwarven Hammer
      • 3.7.3 Ruins-Specific Buffs
  • 4 Bolt Pouch Proposal

Changelog and Feedback (Updated 18/02/21)

What You SaidWhat We're Doing
You liked the proposed bolt pouch changes, but you wanted us to look at changing the way the bolt pouch handles stored bolts on death.We've added a poll question asking whether you'd like us to change the way it handles bolts on death to be more in like with other storage items.
You want to see the Ice Giant boss!We love the Ice Giant boss proposal. Below Ice Mountain doesn't mean we can't ever add other icy F2P content. It's just that this is coming first. We'd prefer to keep Ice Mountain and the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon separate too.
The Barronite Mace is stronger than the Rune Scimitar despite us stating otherwise.We've tweaked its general stats to be worse than the Rune Scimitar. We've also added a slight Prayer bonus for consistency with other maces. With its golembane effect we're happy with its positioning.
You wanted to know what's going to happen to the Barronite Mace when dying in the Wilderness.We've clarified that it's going to function similarly to other untradeable items, like the Fire cape.
Some of you felt that we should look to add F2P Ranged or Magic equipment rather than Melee equipment.We're certainly open to adding Ranged and Magic equipment in future! Perhaps it could come from the Ice Giant boss... We'd love to see your ideas.
You'd like to see the Dwarven hammer occupy the off-hand slot so it could function alongside other equipment, like Amy's saw.Sadly this isn't doable without significant behind-the-scenes work. We're not ruling it out as one for the future, but it won't be offered here.
You wanted to know whether the Dwarven hammer is storable in the PoH, and whether it's possible to use the hammer in places like Barbarian Assault.We've clarified that it is storable, and it can be used everywhere an ordinary hammer can be used.
You liked seeing the inclusion of concept art, but wanted more assurance of how we'd interpret concept art in terms of in-game models.There's a great point! Concept art is not final, it's used to help guided our environment and character artists. You can find a WIP of the walking golem model: here.
You were concerned that the content could be prone to botting.We've added a 16 Quest Point requirement to begin Below Ice Mountain to help mitigate botting access, and naturally we'll ban bots too!
The name Bannite is very similar to Banite in RuneScape (3).This is entirely coincidental. We're going to change the name to avoid confusion! We asked for some suggestions on the livestream, and we opted for Barronite.
Some of you liked the idea of an alternative method for training Prayer, especially in F2P, but you felt that the XP rates given for Fishing and Cooking would change established efficient methods too much and would lead to too many players to be concentrated in one space.We're reducing the Fishing and Cooking XP granted to emphasize that Prayer is the main training method for this activity.
There were lots of questions about the Golem Cores activity, and its impact on efficiency.We've clarified that each core is equivalent to 10 runes, and offered expected cores per hour.

Below Ice Mountain

Willow, an energetic archaeologist (perhaps suspiciously so) is hunting for her next big discovery. She believes she has found the entrance to ancient underground ruins found to the west of Ice Mountain. There's a catch though - the entrance is sealed tight and she needs to re-unite her old crew to help her break in. Naturally, she has to stay close to the ruins in order to lay claim to the find, so it falls to you to bring her rag-tag group back together for one last caper and a final big pay-off.

Burntof is an old dwarf with a penchant for demolition, Checkal is a well-built lifter of heavy things and Marley is a cunning thief with a knack for disarming traps.

Together, they have the talents it will take to gain entry to the secret ruins. But persuading them might not be easy. See, the gang aren't all too keen on working with Willow again, and her intentions might not be as honourable as she claims...

Requirements and Rewards (Spoiler Warning)

Since this is a novice quest aimed at free-to-play adventurers, there aren't many requirements. You'll need 16 Quest Points to begin the quest. 10 Mining will definitely come in handy for a tricky encounter, but it's by no means necessary. Completing the quest will yield the following rewards:

  • 1 Quest Point
  • 2,000 Coins
  • Access to the Ice Mountain Dungeon
Poll Question #1
Should we add the Below Ice Mountain quest? This will be a new free-to-play quest that unlocks Ice Mountain Dungeon.

Ice Mountain Dungeon

These ruins are packed with lore, but we're keeping those cards very close to our chest for the moment. You won't find spoilers here - we think you should uncover its secrets by yourself (or wait for the very talented Wiki team to do it for you)!

Before we go into detail about content, here's a little insight into our design goals. We wanted to:

  • Create a new free-to-play dungeon to accompany the Below Ice Mountain quest
  • Provide some new and interesting free-to-play and early game training methods
  • Offer a clear glimpse of progression for free-to-play adventurers which teases the type of content that members get to enjoy

What To Do In The Ruins

Lore and secrets is great, sure, but what if we were to break down the core loop of the gameplay on offer? And what if we were to do it without giving away any of the incredible narrative that awaits? Sounds like fun! Let's do it.

Within the ruins is a great forge powered using Barronite, a unique material that can only found here. Somebody within the ruins believes it is their duty to keep the forge lit, lest the flame diminish forever. This somebody is perhaps a few years past their prime and, with failing eyesight, will reward anybody who helps to gather vital Barronite.

There are a range of rewards for handing over the Barronite, mostly notable of which is access to the vault. What's so exciting about this vault? Well, it contains many treasures belonging to the old inhabits of the ruins, and they are all yours for the taking! However, to get the lock open you'll need to offer Barronite every time you want to enter.

Barronite can be gathered while skilling within the ruins, so you'll be gaining XP as you go. The skilling activities are primarily aimed at low-ish level free-to-play adventurers with the intention of filling notable gaps in free-to-play skilling. Let's take a look at some of them:

Religious Offerings (Prayer)

The caves deep below Ice Mountain are home to various rare cave fish. In ancient times, it was tradition for these fish to be used as religious offerings.

Players can offer cave fish within the ruins to train their Prayer skill. You'll need to perform the same ritual used by the long departed inhabitants of the ruins:

Step 1: Fishing

Players can use a net to catch cave fish within the ruins.

Raw Guppy requirements:

  • Fishing Level 7
  • A small net
  • (Free-to-play)

Raw Cavefish requirements:

  • Fishing Level 20
  • A small net
  • (Free-to-play)

Raw Tetra requirements:

  • Fishing Level 33
  • A small net
  • (Free-to-play)

Raw Catfish requirements:

  • Fishing Level 46
  • A bignet
  • (Members-only)

Players will also sometimes find Barronite when fishing. Plus, there's a rare chance of catching a Barronite Handle (see below). The fish caught here cannot be traded.

Step 2: Cooking

With fish in your net, players will need to use a knife at the old preparation tables to prep it. But be careful how you cook, budding chefs - it's possible to mess up and ruin the fish. The chance of failure is dependent on your Cooking level, so bring your culinary A-game!

Guppy requirements:

  • Cooking Level 7
  • (Free-to-play)

Cavefish requirements:

  • Cooking Level 20
  • (Free-to-play)

Tetra requirements:

  • Cooking Level 33
  • (Free-to-play)

Catfish requirements:

  • Cooking Level 46
  • (Members-only)

The prepared fish cannot be traded.

Step 3: Prayer

With your fish prepared, it's time to make an offering at an ancient altar and train that Prayer skill!

Fishing XP Rates

Naturally, the rates here are subject to further balancing and feedback.

These proposed rates are based on the notion that players might catch 300 fish per hour, cook those 300 fish, and then offer those 300 fish, and is based on the number of fish caught at the required Fishing level. It's worth noting that the per inventory/hour rates here are assuming the same fish will be caught, cooked, and offered. In reality you'll catch a mixture of fish types.

GuppyXP Per FishXP Per Inventory (27 Fish)XP Per Hour (300 Fish)
Cave FishXP Per FishXP Per Inventory (27 Fish)XP Per Hour (300 Fish)
TetraXP Per FishXP Per Inventory (27 Fish)XP Per Hour (300 Fish)
CatfishXP Per FishXP Per Inventory (27 Fish)XP Per Hour (300 Fish)

These proposed rates are based on the notion that players might catch 1000 fish per hour, or cook 1000 per hour, or offer 2000 per hour (which we anticipate to be close to the maximum rate obtainable) which is based on the number of fish caught at a higher Fishing level. It's worth noting that the per inventory/hour rates here are assuming the same fish will be caught, cooked, and offered. In reality you'll catch a mixture of fish types.

GuppyXP Per FishXP Per Inventory (27 Fish)XP Per Hour (2000 Fish)
Cave FishXP Per FishXP Per Inventory (27 Fish)XP Per Hour (2000 Fish)
TetraXP Per FishXP Per Inventory (27 Fish)XP Per Hour (2000 Fish)
CatfishXP Per FishXP Per Inventory (27 Fish)XP Per Hour (2000 Fish)
Poll Question #2
If Below Ice Mountain is added, should we add the Religious Offerings skilling activity, as described in the dev blog?

Golem Cores (Runecraft)

The old inhabitants of the ruins controlled Golems, programming them to do many tasks. The Golems were fuelled by runic energies and imbued with the power of the Body and Mind altars. It was hoped that they would one day become more self-sufficient and be freed of the requirement for programming - but the magical arts are never predictable. The unstable energies of the nearby Chaos altar slowly seeped in the Golem Cores, corrupting them and filling them with uncontrollable power. So, the dangerous Golems were sealed away in the ruins for good.

Players can hunt and kill Golems within the ruins. When defeated, they will sometimes drop their corrupted Cores, which can be used at the relevant Runecraft altar to gain XP and runes.

Step 1 - Combat

Players can find the following golems in the ruins:

Flawed Golem – Level 13

  • Doesn’t drop Cores
  • (Free-to-play)

Mind Golem – Level 30

  • Drops a Mind Core when killed
  • (Free-to-play)

Body Golem – Level 50

  • Drops a Body Core when killed
  • (Free-to-play)

Chaos Golem – Level 70

  • Drops a Chaos Core when killed
  • (Members)

Killing golems will sometimes yield Barronite, too, and there's a rare chance they'll drop a Barronite Pommel (see below). The golem cores cannot be traded.

Step 2 - Runecrafting

Players can use the Cores gathered from killing Golems to train their Runecraft skill, offering them at the relevant Runecraft altar for XP and runes. Each Core offers more XP and runes than a single essence, meaning fewer trips to the altar. However, this benefit is offset by the time it takes to obtain the Cores. We estimate that the time spent killing a moss giant is comparable to the time spent killing a golem.

We estimate that an average F2P player with 40 combat might kill one golem each minute. A higher level F2P player, with 80+ combat stats, might kill three golems per minute (resulting in approximately 30 cores per hour). We estimate that the maximum obtainable rate of cores F2P might be 40 cores per hour.

10 Runes are given for converting a Core. This number is then multiplied by the usual Runecraft level modifiers. So, for example, at level 46 Runecraft a Body Core will give 20 Runes instead. The experience given is measured per rune and is the same as normal Runecraft. For example, if a Core gives 10 Body Runes, it will offer 75 Runecraft XP (10 * 7.5). Using a Core has the same Runecraft requirement as using essence, and like Runecrafting, level multipliers will not give increased experience.

Naturally, the rates here are subject to further balancing and feedback. Here's a breakdown of Runecraft experience per Core that a F2P player with 80+ combat might see:

Rune TypeOne RuneOne Core (10 runes)One Inventory (280 runes)
Poll Question #3
If Below Ice Mountain is added, should we add the Golem Cores skilling activity, as described in the dev blog?

Gathering Relics (Mining and Smithing)

Players can mine Barronite rocks to find (you guessed it) Barronite and (you guessed it again) Barronite deposits. These deposits can be smelted down to gain additional Barronite and Ancient Relics.

Step 1 - Mining

Barronite rocks can be tackled at 15 Mining. Mining here will work similarly to the upper level ore veins in Motherlode Mine (ensuring the rocks can be worked in groups).

Players will get around 25 XP per Barronite mined, and finding a deposit will yield some additional XP.

Step 2 - Smithing

Players with 15 Smithing can break down Barronite deposits with a hammer at anvils, and obtain various items:

  • Barronite (common)
  • Ancient Relic (uncommon)
  • Barronite Head (rare)
  • Broken Barronite Hammer (rare + members-only)

Ancient Relics can be handed in at the Varrock Museum for coins. In addition, members also get Kudos for the first Relic they hand in! The Barronite Head and Broken Barronite Hammer, meanwhile, can be made into new items (see below).

When Smithing, players will get around 500 XP per deposit. We're expecting players to smith between 10-20 deposits per hour.

Poll Question #4
If Below Ice Mountain is added, should we add the Gathering Relics skilling activity, as described in the dev blog?

The Vault

The Vault is a new minigame found within the ruins - just hand in your Barronite to gain access! As we mentioned above, this vault was used by the ancient inhabitants of the ruins to store treasure, so it's well worth a gander. But there's a catch. Each payment of Barronite allows one entry into the vault, and players only get a limited time inside before they are forced out by the ancient security systems.

The vault itself is maze-like, and home to many chests. Players get one minute to loot as many chests as possible and then reach the exit. If the player doesn't make it out in time, all the precious bounty will be lost!

Making things even more challenging, the locations of chests - and the loot within them - will be randomised. Similarly, doors will at times be blocked off, forcing the player to think fast and dash down alternative paths.

Loot will consist of gems, gold and alchables worth a small amount of money. Here's a look at other comparable low level money-making activities:

  • Killing hill giants
  • Crafting diamond jewellery
  • Mining coal

Of course, not all chests offer the same rewards. Chests deeper in the vault offer more loot, but will take longer to reach and pose a riskier escape:

  • Easy Chest - 200 GP per chest
  • Medium Chest - 500 GP per chest
  • Hard Chest - 1,500 GP per chest

Players will be able to stack Barronite payments to make Vault entry more convenient. So for example, a player could pay for 20 entries in a single transaction.

Poll Question #5
If Below Ice Mountain is added, should we add the Vault minigame, as described in the dev blog?

Other Rewards

In addition to all of the above, we'd also like to offer new, unique rewards!

Barronite Mace

An untradeable mace that was once used by the ancient inhabitants of the ruins. Players need to find three components:

  • Barronite Handle - found while hunting for cave fish
  • Barronite Pommel - dropped by Golems when killed
  • Barronite Head - found while breaking down Barronite deposits

Once you have all three components, a character within the ruins will tell you how to combine them to finish the Barronite Mace (you'll also need some Barronite, obviously - the clue's in the name!). The mace will be positioned slightly below the Rune Scimitar. It's a useful crush weapon for low to mid levels, and requires 40 Attack.

The mace also comes with a unique effect - it's a golembane weapon. That means this weapon will provide extra accuracy and damage when fighting Golems!

As the item is untradeable we expect it to behave similarly to items like the Fire cape on death.

Poll Question #6
If Below Ice Mountain is added, should we add the Barronite Mace weapon, as described in the dev blog?

Dwarven Hammer

This is a members-only untradeable wieldable hammer that was once used as Smithing equipment by ancient dwarves. It's been a while since it has been much use to anyone, so you will first need to find the busted version while breaking down Barronite deposits. A character within the ruins will then tell you how to repair it.

It will function as a normal hammer when skilling, but because it can be equipped in the main-hand, it frees up an inventory slot. Note that the hammer has no combat stats when equipped.

Poll Question #7
If Below Ice Mountain is added, should we add the Dwarven Hammer skilling item, as described in the dev blog?

Ruins-Specific Buffs

Players will also be able to spend Barronite to unlock various buffs and effects that work only within the ruins:

  • Increased catch rate for fishing
  • Decreased failure chance when preparing fish
  • Reduced damage from golem attacks
  • Increased chance of obtaining Barronite deposits
  • Increased chance of finding mace components and the broken hammer
  • A one hour buff to the dungeon that increases the success chance of all activities
Poll Question #8
If Below Ice Mountain is added, should we add Ruin Area buffs as a reward which increase your skilling efforts within the Ice Mountain Dungeon?

Bolt Pouch Proposal

We'd like to propose updating the Bolt Pouch interface. We're offering to convert it to a new-look, much more user-friendly format.

Here are the benefits of the change:

  • You no longer need to right-click an item in the pouch to remove it - you can simply left-click/tap.
  • To wear bolts from the pouch, just drag and drop them into the current ammo slot.
  • There is a new slot in the pouch named 'Extra Ammo'. This shows up in your worn equipment tab above your normal ammo. You're then able to left-click/tap to switch between your worn bolts and extra bolts, allowing you to easily switch between bolts without the need to open the pouch itself. It also means fewer clicks to switch ammo!
  • In addition to the interface changes we'd also like to propose changing the way the Bolt Pouch functions when dying. Currently all stored bolts are destroyed. We'd like to propose that we change the Bolt Pouch to work similarly to items like the Seed Box. Upon death to an NPC, the Bolt Pouch can be picked up with no stored bolts being destroyed. If the player dies below level 20 Wilderness, it will drop to the ground, along with all of its contents. If the player dies above level 20 Wilderness, it will be dropped as 1 coin and all of its contents will be destroyed.

And here's how it'll look!

Poll Question #9
Should we update the Bolt Pouch interface to a more user-friendly format, as described in the dev blog?
Poll Question #10
Should we update the Bolt Pouch so that stored contents behave similarly on death to items like the Seed box?

Discuss this update on our official forums, the community-led 2007Scape Reddit, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel. For reference on the above content, check out the official Wiki.

Mods Acorn, Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, Banjo, Boko, Bonsai, Brow, Bruno, Curse, Daizong, Deagle, Dibber, Ditto, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Errol, Fed, Flippy, Gayns, Gecko, Gee, Grub, Halo, Husky, Jndr, John C, Kandosii, Katies, Kieren, Kirby, Lenny, Light, Lottie, Mack, Maylea, MikeD, Morty, Nasty, Nin, Oasis, Roq, Ry, Sarnie, Squid, Steve W, Sween, Tide, Vegard, West, Wolfy & Zuko

The Old School Team

Update:Below Ice Mountain Poll Blog (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.