Still so Blue - Chapter 1 - Softgigiii (2024)

Chapter Text

Finally summer was heading their way, the leaves of the trees were now turning green and the weather was becoming more warmer. This winter had been too brutal on them but it was enough to push through and welcome the warm summer. Konoha looked more beautiful during the summer anyways, festivities were also more enjoyable when there wasn’t a cold wind biting you. The kingdom also looked it’s best when it was summer, the castle's dark gray bricks seemed to show more when the bright sun hit them instead of the cold snow casting it and making it look terrifying. Everything looked better in summer here in their kingdom, it was just the perks of it when their land was better in summer than winter.

The streets in the village were filled with more life now that the warm weather was coming, civilians going about their day and buying merchandise that would get them through the warm weather. Fruits that only grew in the warm weather were being sold left and right, making them only go a bit higher in price than they usually were.

Sasuke can agree on one thing, that summers were just better but summers always brought too much work. This meant that soon other kingdoms will have festivals as well and if Konoha wanted to keep face they will also have to attend those festivals. Which involved having to actually talk to people and make more alliances, this was the only thing he hated about summer but it was part of his job if he wanted to one day take up the throne.

Naturally his older brother should’ve been the next heir to the throne but he had fallen ill a few years back, after much medical treatment they had come to the conclusion that they didn’t know what it was but that Itachi only had so long to live. This was a hidden secret that only the Uchiha royal family knew, at first everyone was upset and they tried their best to find him a cure but it all came out fruitlessly, all they could do now was wait for the inevitable. So after much consideration Sasuke's father the king had decided that sasuke would be the next crowned prince, once sasuke was prepared they would announce it to the kingdom.

Although sasuke was honored to take over the kingdom all he felt was sadness, knowing that this only happened because his older brother was slowly dying. Bitterness sometimes swallowed him not because he only received the position because of his brothers illness but because his older brother would probably never see him take up the crown and rule the kingdom. It was Itachi's crown not his. His older brother always tried to reassure him but seeing him laying so weak and helpless just brought the bitterness back.

He just wished he could find a cure for his older brother, make him the crown prince once more. He was fine with just being a prince and being itachi's right hand man, that’s all he had ever wanted if it mean he’d still be able to see his older brother become king and live an old age. But it was futile, no matter how much they all searched for a cure it just wasn’t possible. They searched every medical mage they could find, someone who would be able to cure him but it all came out the same, none of them had the enough experience or knowledge to be able to cure him or even find the reason for his illness.

Most of them would just lower their heads and apologize for their inexperience or abilities.

Now they had tried again, a very well known doctor from the land of snow had been found by one of their shinobi, once the news had gotten to them they had immediately ordered them to bring said doctor. Of course the royal family had kept their hopes low, not wanting to bring about any hope only for them to be disappointed at the outcome. They would probably hear the same thing they always did ‘I’m sorry my knowledge is very limited’ and would just feel more despair than they already did.

Sasuke was sitting with itachi as they waited for said doctor to arrive, itachi was sleeping while sasuke read a few documents his father had asked him to review. Being crown prince meant that he had to look over a few documents that had to deal with the kingdom, it was tiresome but it came with the title so he sucked it up.

A knock at the door pulled him out of his worked as he looked up “you’re highness the king and queen have arrived” a guard spoke, with a small sigh he put the documents at the bedside and straightened up “let them in” he announced, in an instant the door was pushed open and in strode in his father and mother both looking as elegant as ever. His father although looking irritated all the time always seemed to soften up when it came to his family, there was a reason why he was king of course. His mother always wore her emotions on her sleeve so he could tell right away when she was feeling upset or happy and right now all he could see was worry. A good reason to be worried of course, having been told over and over again that her son was just not getting better could do things to you.

“He’s resting right now thankfully he hasn’t been coughing as much” sasuke says to his parents as they approach the bed, looking down at their oldest son “has he eaten anything today?” His mother asks as she sits on the edge of the bed reaching for itachi's hand. Sasuke lets out another heavy sigh “no not since breakfast” he tells her with a grim look on his face. Eating had also became a hassle for itachi, only wanting to sleep. This had made his lose weight which ended up making him look more sick.

“My precious child.. no matter where we turn the outcome has always been the same” his mother says close to tears, his father puts his hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner “do not cry my dear for itachi will become upset if he sees you” his father says, although it might have sounded cruel to some sasuke and his mother knew it was his way of comforting, sasuke knew that his father as king had to stay strong for them.

Another knock at the door pulled them out of their conversation “my king the doctor has arrived” said the same guard, his mother stood and dusted her dress of “send him in” his father said with a monotone voice. The door was then again pushed open and a small old man walked in making sasuke stand from his chair, the doctor was small sitting at a good five inches, he was also old almost as if he was about to drop at any second. However he was smiling like he had a good fifty years to live, his energy was warm and kind. He walked over to them and bowed “it is an honor to be in your presence today” he said as he straightened up the smile never leaving his face.

He then turned to itachi “I see this is the prince correct? Excuse my lack of greetings but would you kindly inform me more on the prince's condition?” He asks as he still looks at itachi almost as if he’s observing him. His father clears his throat “no need for apologies we are filled with gratitude for you coming all this way” his father says and nods his head, his mother and himself following along. The old man lets out a small chuckle “please no need for any gratitude as a medic mage it is my duty to take care of any person no matter the rank, life is precious” the doctor says with a look so warm sasuke almost feels drawn to him “with your approval may I get closer to the prince and examen him?” He asks, turning to his father “of course” his father says and the old man steps close to itachi.

“The prince looks to have lost weight when did his symptoms start” he asks putting his hands out, a soft green glow is let out as he examines him. It was common knowledge that chakra was used for many things, even for medical reasons. Only one mage in all the kingdoms was able to find this amazing power but more information on them was lost many many years ago.

His mother speaks this time “I would say three years ago.. itachi was only eighteen when he started to show signs of being sick, we believe it to only be a cold but then he started coughing up blood and each time he used his chakra he would tire out immensely.. then one day he collapsed and..” his mother stopped to take a breath, recounting the events still upset her till this day “then he got worse, not wanting to eat or even get up from bed.. no matter how many medical mages we look for they can’t figure out what’s wrong with him” she finishes with a small sniff. He knows his mother is trying her best to not cry, but it’s taking a lot of her not to.

The doctor hums and still continues to scan itachi with his hands, after what felt like hours he pulls his hands away and lefts out a small sight “I see why most medical doctors couldn’t find what’s wrong with him” he says making everyone look at the doctor with shock on their face “you know.. what’s wrong” his mother asks hopeful, grabbing on to his fathers hand. The doctor turns to her “yes and no my queen” he says and looks back at itachi “it seems the prince doesn’t have anything internally wrong. What I mean is he isn’t injured or sick from anything bodily however.. the reason why nobody was able to see what was wrong was because they were looking for internal injuries” he lifts his hand to rub his cheek while he continues “the prince is suffering from something called chakra exhaustion” he then turns back to his mother.

Both his parents looked stunned but also confused “chakra exhaustion…?” His mother asks and the doctor nods his head “yes your highness, it seems the prince used too much chakra and by doing that his chakra was disturbed which caused him to injure his chakra more” the doctor then puts his hands behind him and continues “with him using his chakra too much he managed to fracture it hence the reason for his symptoms because he continued to use his chakra while still being injured his chakra didn’t have time to heal and it’s causing him to become ill” sasuke was stunned he didn’t know there was ever anything that caused chakra exhaustion.

“Because he never gave it time to heal it is now causing him to become ill.. I’m afraid.. chakra is very hard to heal any damage caused to it is fatal” he says and the room suddenly felt like it became colder. His mother puts a hand over her mouth finally letting the tears fall “so.. there really is no cure” his father says in almost a whisper, all hope they had a few minutes ago or even felt after many years hand finally left them. Itachi had no cure even if they now knew what was wrong with him, that didn’t change anything. The doctor clears his throat “not entirely my king” just those few words had them all looking at the doctor in shock “what do you mean..” his father ask now gripping his mothers hand tighter “well” the doctor continues “the only reason I was able to detect his chakra was because a very brilliant doctor taught me how.. not every medical mage is able to detect it, not only is it difficult but it takes years to master this type of medicine” he then walks closer to itachi “only those who are lucky enough to be taught by this doctor are able to detect chakra.. tell me do you know of the mage who managed to create madical chakra?” The doctor asks, looking at them once more.

The room is filled with silence for a while “yes..” his mother says this time “they were very powerful and at one point managed to cure a whole platoon of shinobi without any exhaustion” she finished and the doctor hums in agreement “yes! That’s correct” he says cheerfully “that was the same doctor that taught me what I know today” at this his father asks “then you could heal my son correct” but the doctor shakes his head “unfortunately no my king.. before the mage could teach me more she received a letter and had to leave immediately.. that was almost 40 years ago since then the mage was never seen again..” sasuke didn’t miss when the doctor said ‘she’ so he asked “the doctor was a woman..” it’s not like it was a bad thing if anything sasuke applauded her, she was the only one who had managed to perfect and also create such an amazing jutsu.

The doctor turns to him “yes! Incredible am I right? But she’s the only one who could actually cure the prince” he continues “she’s powerful and has all the knowledge, of course she does she’s the one who created such a jutsu!” He scolds himself.

“But you said she disappeared almost 40 years ago.. how will we ever find her” his mother asks, desperate to know how they’ll ever get that knowledge and his mother is right to feel the way she does, if the mage really disappeared years ago then what are the chances she’s still alive?

“Well I might have some insight for you..” the doctor says but then his face turns turns grim for a few seconds he stays silent but then huffs out the air he was holding in “do you know of.. Uzushiogakure?” If the room had felt cold a few moments ago it definitely felt more colder, the silence was so thick it took everything in sasuke to breath again.

Uzushiogakure was a kingdom far at sea surrounded by whirlpools, it made it difficult to even get there in the first place but that’s not what made this kingdom fearful to all nations. It was its people, if words could describe them it would be that they were all nothing but savages. They used to have allies and even used to be Konoha's allie but after the gruesome war decades ago the kingdom had turned to shambles. They had felt betrayed by everyone and decided to cut all ties with each kingdom, slowly Uzushio had built themselves up and started producing savage shinobi. Anybody who dared get close to the land would be instantly slaughtered no matter if it was out of ill interest or just walking by, the unfortunate victims would get their heads cut off and sent to their kingdom. It was threat, a horrible one at that. Some nations had tried to banter together and tried to take down Uzushio but the outcome was the same, anybody who ever went to Uzushio never came back out alive.

The kingdom had closed its gates and had refused to ever open them again. Nobody knows who took over the kingdom and why they had felt like they were betrayed but one thing was for certain, nobody was allowed anywhere near the kingdom.

“Rumor has it she’s in Uzushio” he says looking grim “apparently that’s where she has family but.. nobody knows if she’s dead or alive, with the lack of body I highly doubt she’s dead but that was her last known sight” he finishes and sasuke knows where he’s going with this, his words weren’t spoken but sasuke knows what he’s trying to say ‘you can try looking for her but who knows if you’ll come out alive’ and it makes sasuke hesitate a bit. To send their shinobi to Uzushio is a death sentence in itself, but there’s a chance itachi might just survive if they actually find her.

“Her name is Tsunade Senju” the doctor says “if you find her she’ll be able to cure the prince but I warn you it’s not promised Senju has.. a bit of a temper and anything that has to do with outsiders well let’s just say it doesn’t suit her much” that just made them lose more hope than they had already lost. What are the odds that even a doctor doesn’t want to heal people.

“I don’t know how else to help but.. if anything Senju used to be a clan here in Konoha.. maybe that could help” the doctor was then thanked for his time and appreciated for his knowledge on finding what was wrong with itachi. Although small they finally had some answers even if it came with a small disappointment.

Would they really risk everything and try to find Tsunade? Uzushio was a place nobody wanted to come into contact with and the same could be said by Uzushio. They weren’t easy to infiltrate either, with nothing but sea surrounding them the land around them was also heavily guarded, one step close and you were already a threat.

“What do we do now..” his mother asks with a grim expression “if it were any other kingdom then we’d be able to do something but this is Uzushio we’re talking about..” his father pulls her close and just holds her not knowing what to do. Sasuke can’t help seeing his mother so hurt, it pains him. He then turns to itachi and he makes one final decision.

“I’ll go to Uzushio and find Tsunade Senju” he says with his fist clenched “if it means itachi has a chance of surviving then so be it” he finally looks up and sees his mother about to disagree “I won’t allow it!” She yells “losing one son is painful but I can’t lose the both of you!” Her face filled with rage, he knows it’ll be painful for her but this is his older brother and with the small knowledge they have then itachi might just have a chance.

“I’m sorry mother but I made up my mind.. itachi finally has a small hope of surviving and I won’t let it go to waste” he closes his eyes and turns to itachi opening them once more “I’m crown prince but that title had and has always belonged to him.. it is my duty to make sure he’s safe and now that we have that hope.. I’m willing to take on that risk” he says turning back to his mother, he could see her tears falling but it doesn’t stop him from holding his ground.

“Sasuke dear.. I can’t lose you too” his mother whispers, closing her eyes and sobbing “mother.. I’m doing this for him..” he also whispers, he too wants to breakdown at all of this but he has to stay strong.

“Sasuke if you do this..” his father speaks but stops mid sentence almost as if he’s trying to figure out the right words “if you do.. you have to promise me one thing” his father was never about promises, he was a strong man and always made sure everything turned out perfectly so to see him like this it shocked sasuke “you’ll come back alive” his fathers words suddenly felt heavy, could he really promise that? Uzushio was no laughing matter, could he really promise his father such a thing.

“Please sasuke..” his father whispers and it’s in that moment sasuke knows, he will come back home alive “yes father” he holds his head up high as he says those words.

“If that’s the case then i'll go too” they all turn to itachi who had been asleep the whole time now fully awake and starting at them too “and don’t argue with me, this is my life and also my younger brothers life on the line, I won’t sit around and let him do all the work” his brothers words are firm and sasuke know there’s no chance in changing his mind.

“Itachi..” his mother starts “you can’t go your too sick-“ itachi cuts mother off “I’m sorry mother I have never once disagreed with you but now I will.. I have to keep fighting no matter what even if it kills me.. I have to protect sasuke” although sasuke wants to argue he knows there’s no point, itachi knows what he’s doing and if he’s so set on it then he’ll get it done.

“I believe.. this is the hope we needed” itachi says and everyone can feel it, maybe this is it, this is what they had been waiting for all along.

Still so Blue - Chapter 1 - Softgigiii (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.