St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)

Wednesday, April 1944 THE ST. JOSEPH PRESS Page 15 121.1 10 Help. Wanted, Male (Con.) REGISTERED PHARMACIST There is an unusual opening in one of St, Joseph's largest prescription departments for capable man to spend all of his time on the prescription case. High starting salary with rapid advancement. Work 58 hours per week.

Permanent with best postwar opportunities. Write immediately, giving age, past employment, salary earned, address and phone number. Personal in-, terview will be arranged at your Our em-9 ployees have been informed of tris ad. WRITE 415, NEWS-PRESS -GAZETTE PORTERS WANTED Experience not necessary. See Mrs.

Blackford, Hotel -Robidoux. DAIRY and farmhand, married, small family; new, modern house, garden, etc. Top wages to top hand: 5 miles St. Joseph. Write 269, News-PressGazette.

FRY COOK -Nights. Also woman for general restaurant work. Masteller's Cafe. 6108 King Hill. RADIO SERVICE technician, Must have at least 2 experience on all makes radios: Top salary.

Write News-Press- Gazette. ELDERLY MAN to exchange light work for small house. and garden spot, etc. Call 8-2193. EXPERIENCED men work sharecropping tobacco, equipment furnished.

Call 1 2-1124 after 5 p. m. FARM COUPLE for modern stock and -grain farm 11 miles north Kansas City on all service road, 4-room house, utilities, meat, hogs and milk, garden space: $90 month. A. D.

Berkshire, 5821 King Hill. 8-0131. JANITORS wanted. Apply to Mrs. Daily, Missouri Methodist Hospital.

TWO MEN or boys, one grocery truck driver. one for garden. 6440 King Hill. 8-2477. SHOE REPAIR man, experienced.

steady work, good pay. Plymouth Shoe Repair Shop, Plymouth Clothing Company, PHARMACIST, registered, experienced: permanent position, 54-hour week, no Sunday or holiday work. W. -S. Kinnison Son.

513 Felix. MAN or woman for night in restaurant. Mason Cafe, 1218 S. 6th. 20 Help Wanted, Female NEAT APPEARING WAITRESSES.

nO experience necessary. Earn extra money working from 8 to 11, evenings at the newly remodeled club. Stag. 6th and Edmond. Apply any time after 3 p.

m. WOMAN. OVER housework. Excellent wages. 2-7112.

WOMAN OR MAN wanted by retail paint store to handle, credits and office work. This position has good future. Call 4-2718 or 2-6889. for ap: WAITRESSES and dishwasher wanted. Apply at 427 Illinois.

STENOGRAPHER, experienced. Furnish, references. 40-hour Gazette. week. Write KITCHEN HELP, experience not necesalso lady to care for bar: and counter.

Excellent wages. 2-0348, The Beacon. evenings only. WANTED Fountain Dispensers Waitresses Fry Cooks Good Starting Salary Short Hours One Day Off Each Week Good Chance for Advancement Apply KATZ DRUG STORE 6TH AND FRANCIS STENOGRAPHER oF good typist wantcompany experience preferred. St.

Joseph Guaranty Title Francis, TWO OPPORTUNITIES for competent young or middle-aged women. Cashder or stenographic and clerical work with prominent St. Joseph firm; permanent position. Write full details. including starting salary expected.

Write 257. Gazette. WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK, care of two children. 3341 Penn 4-3591. LADY.

under 65, company sick lady; light housework: no laundry; stay nights. 609.N. 10th. WOMAN OR GIRL wanted, assist with children. light housework; wages: stay or go home nights.

4-1219. MAIDS WANTED Experience not necessary. See Mra. Blackford, Hotel Robidoux. GIRL for fountain luncheonette: short hours.

W. S. Kinnison, 513 Felix. WOMEN WANTED AT ONCE For filling and wrapping orders in our warehouse. Full time, good wages.

Apply 8 a. m. KELSEY NURSERIES Lake and Alabama YOUNG WOMAN for general office work, neat in appearance. Must be able to do typing. Pleasant working conditiona, good opportunity and chance for advancement for right party, Write 100, News-Press-Gazette.

BOOKKEEPER and Stenographer, experienced. Excellent salary. Lelbowitz Clothing Co. 720 Edmond. STOUT LADY, approximately 50 years, to work in rest home; unincumbered.

1107 Ridenbaugh. ALTERATION LADIES: part days or full days or evenings 6 till 9, for man's or women's alteration. A Apply Plymouth 4t once. Clothing Mr. Co.

Pumphrey, 25 WOMEN WANTED by Terminal Warehouses, age 16- 050. for work in a new, modern egg breaking plant. Excellent working conditiona, 50c per: hour, 40 hours per week. Time and half for all overtime. Report ready for work.

TransportaLion furnished from Lake and Mo. aves. to plant. Apply Employment Service, War Man Power Commission, S. 8th.

WOMEN- We will tench you, FOx Laundry, MAID- Colored preferred. Apply Willard Hotel. No phone calls. hour GENERAL week, no MAID, Sunday white or work. Negro, Y.

40- C. A. 2-4481. KITCHEN HELP -Diet kitchen maids, reasonable wages and meals. See Miss Houston, Mo.

Methodist Hospital. 20 3 Help Wanted, Female (Con.) COLORED GIRL for dishwashing and cleaning with reference. 1107 EXPERIENCED Silk finisher wanted. top wages. St.

Joseph Cleaning Co. Phone 2-2528. MAID for cleaning and laundry work by week, Apply 116 N. 8th. WAITRESS wanted.

Apply David's Eat Shoppe. 310 8. 8th, PRACTICAL NURSE, strong and -efficient. stay nights, Protestant. 4-0293.

WAITRESS, experienced, wanted immediately. Criswell Cafe, 914 S. 9th. 86 Salesmen Wanted MAN OR WOMAN WANTED -FulL or part time for Rawleigh route. in St.

Joseph. No experience or capital necessary. Sales easy to make profits large. Start immediately. Write Rawleigh's Dept.

MOD-539216. Freeport, Ill. 40 Saleswomen Wanted Saleswoman For Baby Shop PERMANENT FULL-TIME POSITION EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE. BUT NOT ESSENTIAL APPLY MR. MILLER 2ND FLOOR Townsend Wall Co.

60 Situation Wanted, Male GENTLEMAN attending business school evewishes employment afternoons, nings. Phone 2-2421. 70 Situation Wanted, Female HOUSEKEEPER and of 1 or 2 children. Mrs. D.

D. Pugh, Guilford GIRL with general business experience and high. school education wants office position; good typist, 4-3079. MR. LANDLORD.

will they see your for rent sign in the want FINANCIAL 2D Personal and Salary Loans CASH LOANS MEN and WOMEN Married or Single $15 to $1,000 Salary Loans on Your Signature Only Auto Loans, Furniture Loans Quick and Confidential Out-of-Town Loans Made COMMERCE LOAN INV. COMPANY LOANS $100. $200. $250 OR MORE $20 FOR 30 DAYS COSTS ONLY 60c Loans made on your auto, furniture, live stock or just your signature. you service to those who phone ahead of.

present proper identification. COMMONWEALTH LOAN CO. 202 SCHNEIDER BLDG. E. Corner 7th and Felix.

Ph. 4-5624 LOANS MADE IN NEARBY' TOWNS Monthly Charges: $100 or Less, $100 to $300. 3 WAYS TO GET A $100 LOAN Get a salary, car or furniture loan of $20 to $300 at Household without endorsers. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION Third Floor Tootle Bldg. S.

W. Corner 6th and Francis Sts. Phone 2-5495 FIGURE How Much Interest you are paying on your auto or furniture loans. then come in and let us show how much we can save you; do this in fairness to yourself. CITIZENS LOAN SAVINGS Morris Plan Auto, collateral co-mak- loans as low as PUBLIC LOAN CORPORATION.

Phone 4-2733. Remodeling rates. Loans at low Tootle-Lacy bank National Bank. Phone 2-4421. Park Bank Personal, farmers, 10th, live Penn.

3D Real Estate Loans LOANS ON ST. JOSEPH and suburban property, terms to suit. The Provident Building and Loan Ass'n. 513 Francis SEE ME for farm or city loans. Lowest interest rate.

Nate Block. 609 Edmond FRIEND asked if we made Real Estate Loans. Yes, we do! Whether you are buying or repairing, come in and let us explain our cost plan. CITIZENS LOAN SAVINGS AD Auto Loans DON'T PAY THE HIGH RATES for Auto Loans: let show how much we can save you. Do this in fairness to yourself.

CITIZENS LOAN SAVINGS 5D Savings, Investments WINNER NEVER QUITS QUITTER NEVER WINS Start a Savings Account now, then deposit a small amount each week or month, interest compounded semiannually. CITIZENS SAVINGS MDSE. FOR SALE 1E Miscellaneous for Sale SHAFTING. HANGERS and pulleys. Jamieson Machine 213 N.

2nd st. NEW booths, AND. tables, USED, pool refrigerator cases, chairs, tables, etc, Khrlich Mfg. Lake and Colorado, OFFICE furniture: hotel, restaurant iron safes. St.

Joe Transfer. WATCHES Wrist or pocket: repairing. Mac's Jewelry Shop, 314 Felix. Enright Plumbing and Heating New and repairs. 116 N.

5th, 4-1418. IF YOU CAN'T FIND IT. SEE US. Parker Hardware, 411 Edmond st. MEN'S SUITS.

out pawn. like new: $7.50 up. Louis Loan. 324 Edmond. MONEY FOR SALE CITIZENS has money for sale, 80 when you want to buy some money -don't pay the high rates asked by some other companies.

We loan on Autos, Furniture, Real Es. tate. F. H. Improvements, and many other plans.

CITIZENS LOAN SAVINGS ELECTRIC RANGES, mangles, irons. coffee makers, lamps. belts. M-K Electrie. 823 Francis.

USE THE CLASSIFIED ADS TO EARN EXTRA MONEY TO BUY THAT EXTRA WAR BOND Miscellaneous for Sale STAR RUBY. karat weight, for sale. Write 109. NewsPress SLIDING DOORS, In good condition. Phone 8-0728.

MODEL Winchester, 143 shells, $45. 2-5016 after 6 p. m. EFT VIKING display, meat case with compressor, $150. 4-0175.

2E Household Goods 2-PIECE LIVING ROOM suites, with springs, $39 to $85. Jackson FuraiCo. WEDDLE SPECIALTY SHOP, Jule. 4-2488. Armstrong linoleums, Venetian olinds, shades: expert workmanship.

We specialize in asphalt tile. WASHING cleaners, all vacuum makes, repaired. Complete stock sweeper. parts. Aventie Appliance, 2-5610.

MAYTAG Thor. Minute, Apex, etc. Fauitless, Also Sweepers. Complete parts and service, All work: guaranteed. St.

Joseph Sweeper 919 8. 10th. 2-3600, CONGOLEUM RUGS. 9x12. $4.95.

St. Joseph, Furn. 7th and Messanie. VACUUM CLEANERS. washing chines, sewing machines repaired.

guaranteed 1 year, Acme Appliance, 1626 Frederick. 2-1300. ESTATE triple-effect gas heater, percondition, five-room size, $35. Phone 4-5880. 1942.

PHILCO cabinet radio, studio couch, kitchen set. sewing machine, iron day bed. 1517 Felix, 2 BEDROOM SUITES for sale. 1617 17th: SMALL, Roper and 2 Simmons beds complete, bed spring. 2 Congoleums, 2 dressers and miscellaneous items.

704 North 5th. SHELVADOR: between refrigerator. 5-foot. 9.8. m.

and 5 p. m. SE "Musical Instruments, Radios VICTOR, COLUMBIA. DECCA, BLUEBIRD and OKER RECORDS Whether you desire popular hits or the classics, shop at ESHELMAN'S. 117 S.

6TH COMPLETE STOCK of new and rebuilt band instrumenta, Judkins-Hoad Music Company, 113 N. 7th. 45-INCH apartment size piano. See after 5 p. 1619 S.

17th. 4E Wearing Apparel Earl's Wardrobe 509 buys, S. 6th. sells 2-9466. clothSPRING COAT, lady's light blue, practically new, size 16.

2-4561. GREY wool jacket. fur coat, several dresses, size 16. 2-2480. LONE winter coat, 1 spring coat.

Phone 4-0126 after 6 p. m. 5E Food Products Harris Dairy pasteurized quality Tested daily. Always the same. PASTEURIZED MILK, skimmed milk.

and buttermilk. Cash and carry prices. Ideal Dairy, phone 4-0176. FOR SALE -Easter bunnies reasonable, also young baking hens: will deliver. Call 4-2539, 3121 Lafayette.

Geo. Walters. 7E Building Materials FOR YOUR BROODER HOUSE: Used insulation board, sheet rock, rolled roofing, waterproof paper, windows. glass cloth, hardware cloth Hastings Lumber and Wrecking 1111 8th. phone 2-1301.

SEXTE roofing. asphalt shingles. $3.60: plaster. 90c. Garfield ROOFING AND BRICK SIDING- CutRate Lumber dial 2-7763.

delivered. kinds other rock. MARKET ROCK. $2.95 4-5694. 2-8285.

8E Typewriters, Office Supplies I for office repairs equipment. on all 4-1424. makes Calvert's New derson used adding Typewriter machines. 3-2222. AnMR.

LANDLORD, will they see your for rent sign in the want ads? 9E Seeds, Sod, Nurseries OUR FRESH STOCK of tested table and flower seeds is now in. Order early. Buy only what you need. Inter -State Belt Highway at Locust, rural route 1, 4-5337. TREES ments Shrubbery dug: trimming filling.

4-1473. baseBULK AND PACKAGE garden seeds, hybrid seed corn. Sears. Farm Department. Sears.

Roebuck Co. 10E Coal, Fuel Fogarty Coal Call 4-6383 Zero Coal 1210 Store 16th Coal St. Now. 1-4873. PHONE Seitz-Campbell 4-0254.

Genuine Cherokee. Iowa, Kansas stoker, Franklin Ill. INMAN COAL CO. 2-1620. Elmira.

Paris, Novinger. Kneib Coal Co. 15th, Phone 4-1205. Mitchell. STERLING COAL CO.

CALL 8-4286. The best coal at the best price. McCUE FOR Call QUALITY 2-6769. COAL. BRUCE 6th, Olive.

Best Coal Phone in Town." 4-3657. CHOOSE responsible coal dealers, accurate. weights. Joseph Coal. Buread: South Park Coal 2-1720.

PHONE Elmira, Paris Radio, Red Star. COAL COAL Phone 4-1155. KELLER COAL, BIG Delivery. LUMPS. 4-1473: quick New Deal Coal quick delivery.

4-5694. Wood and Cobs Phone Delivered. 8-0069, DRY. WOOD Cobs. kindling.

8-1343. Basket Coal Wood and Cinders. 2-2455 11E Wanted to Buy WE BUY FURNITURE. Best prices. 2233 S.

6th. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for furniture. Chittim, 2201 S. 4th 2-1847. 4-1569 SAVE YOUR NEWSPAPERS, magazines and rags following prices: Rags, newspapers, 50c: magazines, 60c per 100, delivered: 10c less to call for them.

Incorporated. 9th and Patee. 4-2440. Loans on Diamonds watches. old gold, cameras.

radios, musical instruments, shotguns, men's suits. etc. We loan, buy; higher prices. Missouri Loan, 404 Loans on Est. 1847.

anything 312-14 of Joe's Edmond at. Furniture Hurd Cash for Auct. any amount. 4-5277. FURNITURE We Jackson, pay Ph, more.

4-1573. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture, rugs, 2-6965. YOUR USED SEWING machine. Call Singer Sewing Machine HOUSEHOLD GOODS. one piece or carload.

Kirwan'8 Outlet, 2-3631, FURNITURE, DISHES, cooking utenails. 2-2862. FURNITURE Highest Call prices 1-5786. paid MEN'S SUITS, medium or large sizes. dark colors, good WE BUY CHINA, glass.

old oil antique furniture. Burton's Antique Shop, 1302 Ashland. 2-2786. WILL PAY CASH FOR HOUSES and buildings to wreck. 4-5136.

PIANO WANTED CALL 4-3134 GAS AND OIL STOVES. kitchen cabinets and furniture. 2-2880. GOOD electric refrigerator wanted in good condition. Phone 2-5755.

SELL ARTICLES when you clean your basem*nt, attic. Best prices. Call 2-2863. HIGHEST PRICES paid for stoves. furniture of all kinds.

8-1131. WASHING MACHINE, large or baby washer wanted. good condition. 8-2114. USED GOLF BALLS WANTED, will pay $1.20 doz.

regardless of condiel. Dial 4-0921. tion. St. Joseph Trunk 718 FranUSED PIANO wanted, small or apart: ment alze preferred: must be in good condition.

Phone 2-8391. WE BUY basem*nt, attic stowaways, furniture, plumbing supplier. 2-8097. 5-ROOM modern: house, prefer east or southeast. 2-9948.

RENTALS 1H Furnished Rooms Men Y. M. Comfortable C. 10th, rooms, Farson. reasonable.

2-3314. 4H Unfurnished Apartments 6TH. 921, 8 blocks north St. Francis Hotel: new -4-room duplex, tile bath. plenty closets and built-ins.

garage, adulta, Frigidaire, stove wanted. Venetian blinds: $45: CLEAN upper 4 rooms. bath, modern, water paid, adults. 4-5774. 5H Furnished Apartments, Houses 11TH, S.

302: unusually nice 2 and room apts. Refrigeration. Adults. 15TH, 219: S. 2 rooms, refrigeration, $7.50: 309 15th, kitchenette, $3.50.

Adults only. 1-ROOM kitchenette, private entrance. Francis. 1101. CHURCH kitchenette apart-ment, adults, utilities, also garage.

9TH. 906; 3 rooms, first floor, private bath. Frigidaire: $32.50. NEW 5-room residence in northeast part, attractively furnished. bathe, breakfast nook, screened-in porch; to desirable adults; owner to retain room.

2-5587. 3-ROOM lower apartment, heat and water furnished, adults only. Phone. 4-5682 after 5 p. m.

5-ROOM modern cottage, permanent tenants, will lease, two adults. 2-9422. GH Houses for Rent MODERN 6 ROOMS. hardwood floors, full basem*nt, hot water heat. Adults, Civilians.

$40. 4-2978. PENN. 3022; 5-room modern bungalow. 2-5431 or 4-0775.

BURNSIDE, 3121: 4 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, Venetian blinds, built-in features, excellent condition, one block to bus and stores: will lease to responsible party at $30; possession April 15th. 11H Miscellaneous for Rent FOLDING CHAIRS for rent. 1 or 1.000: card tables. chinaware, silverware. glassware.

office desks, tables and chairs. St. Joseph Transfer Co. 12H Wanted to Rent DUPLEX or house suitable for two apartments. close in.

2-6315. SMALL: suburban house, modern, garden space, close to transportation. 2-9160. NEWS-PRESS GAZETTE WANT ADS are helping to fill many needs every day. Phone 4-5671 for an ad taker.

REAL ESTATE 1K Real Estate for Sale Davis Bros. City, lished 1900. farm; 821 estab- Fred; Earley D. Bird Rom Bank First Bldg. E.

A. Gramer City, urbans. farms 818 Fred'k subB. B. BIGHAM, Farms, 811 city Edmond.

propPETERS FRANCIS AGENCY 822 Edmond, 1st Door East Post Office Real Estate, Insurance. Dial 2-1438. J. L. BEAR Real Insurance.

Estate, 4-1467, Rentals, 6TH. N. 524; estate wishes to sell story, 7-room brick house: oil. burner, steam heat. 4-2727.

The First National Trust trustee. 2K Houses for Sale Use Our Home Finance Purchase Plan Terms Like Rent- -Also F. H. A. Loans Howard Sisson 704 Francis.

2-6767. NEW HOME LOAN plan. Midwest Fed. eral Savings Loan Ass'n. 2-5084.

15TH. 406-408: double tenement. 4-5046 after '5 p. m. MAIN.

1101: 6 rooms, modern, with apartment. Good buy. Garage, For appointments call 2-1527. PENN. 1322: 8 rooms, modern, vacuum steam furnace.

Easily converted into duplex or tenement. MODERN 5-room house in East End. all on 1 floor. large living room. Shown by appointment only.

2-6363. CHARLES. 2021; to colored people. 5 rooms. $1,000, $10 down.

$10 per month: no interest. Phone 4-3419. GOOD INVESTMENT 2 five-room, one efficiency apartment: owner moving. Write 157 News- Gazette, IK Suburban for Sale ROOMS. modern except heat, newly decorated.

basem*nt garage, garden. fruit, good location. near car line and Immediate possession: $1,800. T. A.

Cranmore, 3011 N. 10th. city. ALMOST NEW 6-100m bungalow. strictly modern.

stoker heat," fireplace: 1 acre, 3715 Seneca. 2-6767. 10 ACRES miles southeast city. rooms, almost modern, all weather road. $2.250.

4-5871. 5K Farms for. Sale 80 ACRES. unimproved. Mitchell ave.

road: immediate possession. 2-8175. 221 ACRES. 15 miles southeast St. Joseph.

Immediate possession. 2-8195. 100 ACRES. Andrew County, northeast Whitesville, miles north No. 48, well improved, fine large barn, 30 acres nice blue grass, $5,000: might rent to good man for cash rental, with option of purchase: possession, now.

Scott Chippe, Ballinger bldg. AUTOMOTIVE Autos for Sale HANSEN NOTOR: St. We'll Joseph buy your ave. SPOT Frank CASH Taylor. FOR 1904 CLEAN CARS.

Lafayette, 2-4940. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for used cars, any make, any model. Leaverton Auto 2131 S. 8th. 4-8314.

Drive by our big lot and see the most beautiful and finest stock of used cars in the Mid- West. DON MILLER MOTORS 305 to 409 S. 8th Ph. 2-7705 FORD TUDOR, 1941: 29.000 actual miles: good tires. Phone 2-6811.

Our Cars Are Selling Fast Because Prices Are Low--Cars Are Good 1. 30 AD 41 Plym. Coupe 139 Ford Sedan '40 Stude. Club '39. Chev.

40 Chev. Coach '38 Buick Sedan '40 Olds Coupe '37 Ford Coach Swallord Motor Co. 39 FORD TUDOR, privately, owned; radio and heater. 819 N. 23d.

1941 Champion 1936 Terraplane Ch. 1938 Pontiac Ch. 1939 Dodge Sedan 1940 Champion Ch. 1936 Chev. Coach CARNES MOTOR CO.

9th-Sylvanie Phone 2-5497 1941 CHRYSLER Royal (6) 4-door kedan, radio, heater, vacumatic transmission, nice. 1940 Chevrolet Master De Luxe, 2-door. sedan, heater, good tires, olean. We Cash for Good Clean Cars "WHERE CUSTOMERS BRING THEIR DILL- WOOD. MOTOR CO.

Frederick Ave. Phone 2-4624 1937 BUICK sedan special. four prewar Atlas tires white walls, clean. 1320 Frederick. DON'T BE CONFUSED The cars on our floor are not new They Are Not Rationed They are as clean as new and priced right They Are.

1941 Models A Good Deal Your Car and Liberal Terms Geo. Miller Pontiac Co. 320 8. 8th Phone 2-5456 1941 SPECIAL Chevrolet 5-passenger coupe. A-1 condition, radio and heater.

602 Thompson. 8-1827. WHEN SO MANY SOURCES of supplies are changed and new contacts must be made, remember resultful News-Press- Gazette want ads and use them. IL Autos for Sale (Con.) Wholesale and Retail 40 cars, all makes, '37 to '42 models. We buy We sell ARNOLD AUTO CO.

408 S. 7th 4-1619 1926 CHEVROLET 2-door, motor com5. pletely 10th days. overhauled. Call 4-2807 fair after tires.

6 p.m. 1006 2L Wanted, Automotive ARMY OFFICER: desires good, clean 1936 Will pay well, Call 2-3527. GOOD CAR for casli. Box 602, St. Joseph.

Mo. FORD coupe, 1934 or 1935. preferably black. must be in good condition without tires, priced right, Box 435, Troy, Kan. 5L.

Auto Parts, Service, Tires TIRE CAPPING AND REPAIRING Prompt Service- Distributors for Fisk Tires and Batteries GRANT TIRE SUPPLY CO. 520 S. 8th St. Phone 2-5423 SAM'S TIRE SHOP Tires Recapped, 24 to 48 Hpurs Repairing. Vulcanizing 711 8: 6th Road Service Dial 4-3892 LIVE STOCK.

IMPLEMENTS 1M Horses, Cattle, Hogs DEAD HORSES, cOws removed tree within 10 miles. 8-2101 or 8-2260. SEARS Auction Belt. Sale Faraon. every Satur- 4-5753.

WANTED 1 TO BUY Healthy, choice quality, unvaccinated 65 to 85-pound lots of 50 or more. Anchor Serum Harry Martin, buyer. LIVE STOCK IMPLEMENT LOANS An added feature to our many plans of loaning money--this enables you to Increase your live stock or to pur-. chase feed, etc. These loans made within 100 miles of St.

Joseph. CITIZENS LOAN SAVINGS Milch Cows Pickett The Cow Man. road. 2-9445. LEW'S NIGHT SALE WEDNESDAY, April 5.

at 8 p. m. Everything sold at auction. Your business appreciated. Belt highway and Pickett rd.

Lew Calvert, manager. Phone 4-4249. SEVERAL HEAD mares and horses. of few Quaker cheap ones; harness, Mile south Oats on 11th at. rd.

WilHams. FARM SALE I am going to the army, I will sell at the farm, 6 miles southeast of Union Star, on day, April 7, starting at 1 o'clock: 167 borsee; head of live stock, 5 head of 11 head of cattle, 95 of sheep. 56 head of hogs. set nearly new harness. Carl Marshall.

owner. Col. Lee Pulley. Auct. SMALL, GARDEN MARE.

big smooth mouth mule: 8, 12, 14. 16 inch plows: good selection collars, 1-horse implements, '50c. 2901 8. 29t after 5 p. 111.

4 PURE BRED Duroc boars, eligible to register. easy feeding type. extra good. M. L.

Heltzel, Route 3. Phone 4-4695. PURE BRED Jersey heifer calf, $15. Phone 4-4520 or 4-4182. 2 HEAVY Jersey springers, 4 nice heifers.

Mile east of Belt on 36. J. V. Corn. 4-4400.

PAIR young mares, good single garden mare, $35: young cow. $65: 2 sows and pigs, single and double harness, 1m- plements, all kinds. 00.1901 St. Joseph ave. 127 HEAD extra nice feeder hoga; weighs 75 to 85 lbs: 1 4-horse International disc.

good shape. First place south of Rau Floral Industrial City. Phone 4-6224. IM Horses, Cattle, Hogs (Con.) PUBLIC FRIDAY. APRIL 7 I am called to anilitary service, I will hold a closing out sale at the George Silver farm, miles south of Amity.

miles north of 36. 9 head of horses, 5 head mules, matched team strawberry roans, 1 team sorrels rust roans and greys; all these are mares, age 2 to 5 years. coming 2-year-old riding colt. C. Penney stock: Hampshire sows, pig in April: 15 head shoats.

1 Berkshire male hog. 20 head sheep, 2 head- lambs, 9. head milking Shorthorn cows and heifers, 7 head of Shorthorn and Guernsey cows. 6 hos houses, 3 sets harness. 1 F14 tractor and equipment, general run.

of farm machinery LAWRENCH SILVER Col. E. E. McClure. Auct.

INDIRECTLY due to the war situation. I wish to sell about 20 select Jerseys and 5. Guernsey young cows ately: prefer to sell them all together to one party. Anyone interested. write for appoinment or further details to 218 News Press Gazette.

2M Feed, Hay, Grain Limited Supply of PURINA Checkerboard Hybrid Seed Corn Available- -All Sizes Fogarty Coal and Grain Co. Phone: 4-6383 PURINA LIVE STOCK SPRAY -5-Gallon Pour Spout Can Order Now for Later Delivery Fogarty Coal and Grain Co. Phone 4-6383 Sears, Roebuck Co. See Sears Dept, tor all Implements and Repair Parts. JOHN DEERE general purpose tractor.

R. C. Meldinger, Phone 1511, Wathena. GOOD 2D AND SD cutting bay In barn. Carl Maughmer, Helena, Mo.

RECLEANED red clover. need, extra good. Lawrence Kelley, 8-1432. SM Poultry, Eggs, Supplies LEGHORN co*ckERELS 30 for also heavy co*ckerels every day. Custom hitching.

Open days and evenings, CRAWFORD HATCHERIES S. 8th St. Phone 4-4898 HAWK'S And White Rocks hatching daily now. Some started chicks Hawk Hatcheries, 2-0515. 1630 S.

6th. PURINA EMBRYO- baby chicks. We can feel the difference. Wathena Hatchery, Wathena, Kan. ELECTRIC BROODERS We have them.

Get yours now. Farmers Equipment Co. St. Joseph, Mo. STARTED CHICKS on.

hand now. all varieties. $2.75 up. Robidoux Hatchery. 2712 Wahlut.

phone 4-5150. -Mokin Produce, 4th. poultry, eggs. Sylvanie, cream, buys CHICKS Get off Dannen to Chick Flying Starter. Starts Get your supply from your local Dannen Dealer.

BABY CHICKS every Tuesday: started chicks. Merritt Hatchery. Savannah. BABY CHICKS Mondays and Fridays: custom hatching. Special sale on started chicks this week.

McCarthy Hatcheries. miles southeast on 169 highway. phone 4-2324. WE BUY CREAM No. 17 pound: No.

2. 4707 King Hill Cream' Station WHITE ROCK CHICKS. R. O. P.

Aired: White Leghorns. 275-322-egg sires: started chicks. Kleinschmidi Hatchery, Elwood. Kari. 4-4683.

BANTAM hens and roosters, unusual varieties, good layers. Phone 4-4695. SM Poultry, Eggs Supplies (Con.) SPECIAL SALE Heavy Mixed co*ckerels, 100. $4.95 Tuesday and Wednesday April and 5 Only MONTGOMERY WARD co, CHILD'S play house. 8x10 feet.

drop aiding, excellent for brooder house. Phone 4-8265. 4M Dogs and Pets NEW ZEALAND breeding does, Easter bunnies, good stock. Call 8-2200. RABBITS Young or old and hutches: for sale.

Call 2-8048. NEW ZEALAND whites and checker rabbita, breeding does and meat rabbits also. Phone 2-4705. 5M Agricultural Implements Tractors to Wanted buy. Combines Gregory.

313 Cherokee: 8-1211. FORD tractor sales service. South Side Tractor Co. 5113 King Hill. 8-1192.

JOHN DEERE sulky plow. John Deere corn planter. Ed O' Day, Easton. 9712. Sheep Sheating Equipment Stewart Shearmaster.

$26.95: Stewart '66" Shearer, $46.95: Stewart Victory Model. $16.45: complete line of parts and accessories. Sears' Farm Department. Sears, Roebuck Co. MANURE SPREADER for sale, $50.

E. Glauser, 1 block east of Stuppy's greenhouse. FARM WAGON. farm wagon. roller bearing auto steering guide, 28-in.


MORE for COL GRABLE for Pays cash or 4-1761. sells LOANS 525 50 $100 Single or Married People LOANS to pay, taxes, pay past due bills and make cash purchases of all kinds are quickly arranged. EMERGENCY LOANS are vivally made in ore day, phone us first -then come in for your money, FARM LOANS are made under a special plan to fit farm needs of all kinds. AUTO LOANS are made quickly bring your car and certificate of title. MAIL LOANS are available for those who live out of town.

Write and let us know your needs. The entire transaction will be handled by mail, You do not have to come to the office at any time. 409 Kirkpatrick Bidg. 620 Francis St. Phone 4-2753 Public, Loan charges 375 per month on the unpaid balance of loans made of $100 or lass, above to $300, per month.

Loans above $300 and to $600 are made by an associated company, Public Finance Corporation, at discount par annum. (subject to refund upon prepayment felt), plus a fee of Public Loan INTER-STATE NURSERIES AMERICA'S LARGEST DIRECT- TO-YOU NURSERIES BERRIES APPLE TREES Round out your garden with these big twoyear plants. 65c Each, 12 for $6.55 Cumberland black Plant Summer, Fall and Winter raspberry .25 plants $2.35 then you can have fresh apples Appletar Currants 4 plants 1.65 around. Healthberry 3 plants 1.00 SUMMER 6 plants 1.00 Sodus maroon raspberry .25 plants 3.25 Early Redbird Jonathan Blackberries .25 plants 2.25 Yellow Transparent Red Delicious Nectarberry 6 plants 1.00 Whitney Crab Stayman Boysenberry -thornless 6 plants- 1.85 FALL Winesap Boysenberry- -original 6 plants .95 Wealthy Yellow Dellelous Indian Summer- Grimes Golden York Imperial red raspberry. 12.

plants 1,75 Paradise ASPARAGUS Paradise PEACHES Delicious, den. Easy tender, to fresh grow, from requires your no own care. gar- 70c Each, 12 for $6.55 25 Jumbo Plants $1.25 Bear young and heavily -taste best when picked ripe from your own trees. CONCORD GRAPES CHERRIES, $1.15 and $1.50 Big Two-Year No. 1 Per Dozen $1.95 PEARS RHUBARB Nice, Fresh 6 $1.15 $1.15 Each, 6 for $6.15 Roots for.

Do well planted in sod--right in your own Roses Gladiolus yard. Shrubs Evergreens Lombardy Poplars Lilles PLUMS Shade Trees Vines Grace and Beauty Is Lovely $1.00 Each, 6 for $5.35 SPIREA VAN HOUTTE Scarcely any fruit has been improved 80 (Bridal Wreath) much in the past few years as has the plum -fruit 18 larger, bears younger and more with Beautifully blossom branched, buds. Dug large fresh bushes, from loaded the heavily. ground, at your order. BLUE- RED- YELLOW- $1.00 Each, $7.50 Per Dozen Damson Pipestone Green Gage Stanley Red Coat Toka Superior 18-24-In.

Plants, 6 for $1.00 Wisconsin No. 25 VEGETABLE SEEDS APRICOTS, $1.65 and $1.25 INTER-STATE NURSERIES 3 Blocks North Mitchell Ave. on Belt Highway Open 7 Days Week Free Delivery Phone 4-5337 Radio Programs WDAF-Tom: Collina. News. 11:00 -Midnight Revue.

WDAF-AP News. a to You. WDAF-Moonbeams. 11:30 -Berate Cummins Orel. W.DAE_- Hotel Orch.

THURSDAY Along. KM BC -Newscast. War Journal. KMBC- The Serenaders. 7:30 Clock, to the Stars and Stripes.

KFEQ--UP You Like. Clock. KFE0 Breakfast Club. -Satin Swing. WHB-Musical Clock, -Back to the Bible.

KMBC-Caroline Ellis. Stock Exchange, KMBC--Texas Rangers. the Farm Front, River. KVAR-Front Line Feature, woW -Lora Lawton. Exchange.

Stock Exchange. at WOW- Road of Life. WOW- Vic and Sade. Martyn. WOW -Brave Tomorrow, WHB-88 Keys.

Grain-Live Stock. -Hymns of All Churches. KFAB. KMRC- Kate Smith. WHB.

KVAK-Boake Carter, KM BC, of the Pioneers. KFAB-Big Sister. WoW- Omaha's Front -Page. Mary Jane. Gal Sunday.

KFEQ-Live -Grain. -Crosby Croons, Newa. KMBC- Texas Rangers. Faces Life. KFEQ- KVAK- Gossip.

Cedric Foster. Grain Exchange. Jordan. of the World. KVAK- Goea Calling.

Lippincott. Flynn. News KFEQ-Live Stock Exchange. 2:00 -WDAF-Women of America. -Portia Faces Life.

Perkins. Happy Kitchen. KFEQ-Around Town. and Far Tales. -Billy Dean, to Happiness.

Express Roundup Goldbergs. Orch. Dady, News. KFEQ-Bohemian Orch. Children.

Band. Tracy. and the Pirates. KMBC--Around the Town. Interlude.

5:30 Armstrong. KMBC-Big Brother Club. WHB- -Robert Ripley. KVAK-World'8 Front Page. -Sportscast.

-Local. Brevities. wow -Fred Waring. WHB. -Fulton Lewis, Parsing Parade, WHB- Palmer House Orch.

WOW -Bob Burns. WHB-Your Navy Speaks. UP News. KMBC, -KFAB--Mr. Keen.

the World Go By, WDAF- -WOW -Fannie Brice. KFAB- Suspense. KMBC-Remember When. WHB -Artbur Hale. 7:15 KFAR-Death Valley.

KVAK -Human Adventure. WDAF, WOW -Aldrich Family, KFEQ-Melody and Rhythm. 7:55 KFAB- Bill Henry. WOW -Bing Crosby, KMBC. KFAB-Maior Bowen.

KFEQ Rosecrans Field. Dinah Shore's Program. wow. -Davis and Haley. -Spotlight Bands.

KFAB- First. Line. KFE0-Raymond Gram Swing. WDAF- Abbott and Costello. WDAF- of Time.

KFEO- Stop and Go. KMBC-Erle Smith. Speech. Love a Mystery. WDAF- Newscast.

KVAK- Three Kings, Queen. 10:10 Sportscast, Parade. -Aloha Land. Gay Lombardo. Invitation to Music.

11:00 wow -Little Show. to You. KVAK- George Hamilton. 11.20-KMRC-Cleveland Open House, 11:30 Orch. K- Ran Wilde a Orch.

KMBC- Rill Snyder' a Orch. -News. Station Kilocycles KF5Q. SL. Joseph: 680 wow.

KEAB. Lincoln. WDAF. Kansas City. 610 KMBC.

Kansas 961 WHB, Kansas 880 KVAK, St. Joseph-Atchison. 1450 THIS EVENING -Terry and the Pirates KMBC- Salute to Flag. WDAF-Tea Time. Guiding Light.

KFEQ -Tell It to the Marines. WOw -Musical co*cktail. 5:30 Jack Armstrong. -World's brunt Page. KMBC-Big Brother Club.

WDAF-Musical Program, WHB Interlude. WHB 5:55 Local Brevities. 6:00 WOW Fred. Waring. WHB.

KVAK-Fulton Lewis. KFAB- Passing Parade WHB--Palmer House Orch, 6:30 -Jimmy Midler. Easy Aces, WHB-Halls of Montezuma. erman. WDAF--C V.

Stansell, News. -Milt Hearth's Orch. Allan Jones. KFEQ- Watch the World Go By, WDAF-Mr. and Mra.

North. to in Novelty, Front Page. Roth Orch. KMBC. KFAB -Doctor Christian.

WDAE. WOW--Beat the Band? BC- Bill Henry. WOW Eddie Cantor. KMBC- Frank Sinatra Show. KFEQ-Dunninger.

District Attorney, KFEQ-Spotlight Bands. KMBO: EFAB- Jack Carson. Great WOW- -Kay Moments in Music, Kyser. of the Gram. Evening.

Swing. KFKQ-Raymond KVAK -Arch Ward. Sports. Blanca Carnival, ISM Smith. AB-1 a With Mystery, Wings.

Soldiers WDAF-Newscast. Time Out. WDAF -Richard Harkness. wOW--Sports Parade. BC Parade.

KFEQ- Ches Pares Orch. WDAF-Tom: Collina. Quick The Want Ad Way Thousands of St. Joseph People Are Using News-PressGazette Want Ads for Quick Results Call 4-5671 for an Ad Taker.

St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)


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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.