Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (2024)

Lakstein Fernandes

🥽🎨🖌️Augmented Reality Artist 💡Idea maker 💵 Entrepreneur 🤠Adventurer

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Idag ståede jeg foran kameraet efter rigtig lang tid :) Tak Keyvan Thomsen Bamdej , Alice Bank Danielsen , Hub for Innovation in Tourism & Wonderful Copenhagen for denne awesome mulighed for at blive optaget med mine skør ideer. “Det er fint Lakstein men altså, hvorfor har du ikke nogle sko på?” Tænker du. Skrive til mig og spørge så får du svaret! #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy #interviewing #acting

  • Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (2)
  • Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (3)
  • Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (4)


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Alice Bank Danielsen

Programchef hos Dansk Kyst- og Naturturisme

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Tak for en god videopitch til Hub for Innovation in Tourism, Lakstein, du er den fødte performer foran kameraet:-) både med og uden sko!

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Anne-Grethe Kramme

Forretningsudvikling | Strategi & Ledelse | Salg | Marketing | Projekter | Kundeservice | Turisme | Bæredygtighed | Destinationsudvikling |

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Godt arbejde 👏👏👏

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  • Lakstein Fernandes

    🥽🎨🖌️Augmented Reality Artist 💡Idea maker 💵 Entrepreneur 🤠Adventurer

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    And so we’ve begun our next adventure with the Beyond Beta acceleration program 😎.Looking forward to a year of learning, striving and growth. 🧗🏾Thanks Trivector Traffic Anna Clark , Caroline Mattsson , Sara Bronstring and Michael de Lange for the amazing cooperation helping get this to where it is now :) You four are possibly the smartest people I know! So good to see my buddy Lee Chamberlain there too! Adventure awaits!!#entrepreneurship #accelerator #growthmindset

    • Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (11)
    • Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (12)


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  • Lakstein Fernandes

    🥽🎨🖌️Augmented Reality Artist 💡Idea maker 💵 Entrepreneur 🤠Adventurer

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    It’s always such a pleasure to work with amazing people. Over the past many months I’ve been blessed to know Anna Clark Sara Bronstring Caroline Mattsson and Michael de Lange over at Trivector Traffic in Sweden. They’re warm, kind, funny, creative and absolutely brilliant at what they do. In fact when I met Anna for the first time, I was awestruck. I thought to myself, “It’s the first time I’m actually meeting someone as smart as you!” Working with them is kind of what I imagine what working on a spacehip would be like. There’s the pilot, the biologist, the geologist, the astronomist, all working together to further the understanding of the universe. In our case, it’s an urban planning spaceship and we’ve got the bold Captain Clark leading us where no transportation and mobility companies have gone before.🖖🏾


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  • Lakstein Fernandes

    🥽🎨🖌️Augmented Reality Artist 💡Idea maker 💵 Entrepreneur 🤠Adventurer

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    Anne, du kaster et lys over et kritisk spørgsmål. Det er forvirrende og ærligt talt skuffende at se Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen overveje at lukke en så vital uddannelsesvej i hjertet af Jylland, især i en tid, der råber efter bæredygtige løsninger.Universiteter bør forsvare uddannelse som et offentligt gode, ikke en handelsvare. Beslu*tningen om potentielt at lukke Skovskolen, Københavns Universitet Djurslands SLing-uddannelse virker kortsigtet, især når man tænker på de utallige fordele, universiteter giver samfundet. De er inkubatorer for fremtidige ledere, innovatører og problemløsere som dig selv og dine jævnaldrende.Lad os ikke glemme ringvirkningen af sådanne uddannelsesprogrammer. Ud over personlig vækst giver de næring til lokale økonomier og bidrager væsentligt til samfundsmæssige fremskridt. Den viden og de færdigheder, der erhverves i disse programmer, omsættes til håndgribelige handlinger, der tager fat på klima- og biodiversitetskriser. Det handler om at pleje vores planets forvaltere, ikke bare om at opfylde umiddelbare økonomiske målinger.Afslu*tningsvis handler dette ikke kun om et enkelt program eller universitet. Det er en afspejling af vores værdier som samfund. Prioriterer vi kortsigtede gevinster eller investerer vi i vores kollektive fremtid? Jeres engagement og præstationerne på Skovskolen Djursland er et fyrtårn af håb. Lad os forstærke dette budskab, ikke kun med likes og delinger, men med robuste diskussioner og fortalere for uddannelsens dybe indvirkning på individuelle liv, lokalsamfund og den globale scene.Hvert egetræ starter som et agern. Lad os sikre, at disse pædagogiske agern har mulighed for at rodfæste dybt og blomstre. Bliv ved med at kæmpe den gode kamp, Anne – din skov af tilhængere er med dig! 🌳💪📚#saveskovskolen #greeneducation #sustainability


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  • Lakstein Fernandes

    🥽🎨🖌️Augmented Reality Artist 💡Idea maker 💵 Entrepreneur 🤠Adventurer

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    This sounds great. It generally talks about the development of expertise arising out of focused application of one’s time, and talents. For a long time I was definitely a 🦊 I mean part of my business’s name comes from ‘Ræv’ which is fox in Danish and by my nature, surprise surprise I am more like a curious 🦊 nose to the ground tracking curiously and exploring the exiting world. But over the years through first hand and experience, I’ve come to be more like a 🦔 ! I’ve come to the same conclusion that you put forth and that has led me to generate 4-5 times the revenue as I would when I was well, more foxy. Revenue>expertise>focus>positioningThe only downside is that while being a business 🦔I feel that I don’t explore as much, take in as much as if I was a 🦊. I repurpose energy into my hobbies and try to have a vibrant and deeply satisfying personal life, staying playful and curious.

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  • Lakstein Fernandes

    🥽🎨🖌️Augmented Reality Artist 💡Idea maker 💵 Entrepreneur 🤠Adventurer

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    It is really insane that as a little creative startup my company is even considered in the same category as one of three companies nominated for the Business Viborg Creative Business award 2023! To be compared to industry giants and stalwarts as Søren Fleng with his business savviness, years of experience and finely honed business 🤩 🤩 acumen, Peter Smith , Magnus Igland Møller with their unyielding passion and crazy ideas and daring to be comepetey and unapologetically themselves and Viborg FF with Rasmus Ingeman daring to create change in the way Viborg FF interacts with it's throngs of fans across Denmark. My counterparts are so inspiring, so amazing and their companies work on so many different and manifold levels than mine they really deserve any award given to them! Show them some love everybody!

    Business Viborg på LinkedIn: Og de nominerede til Business Viborgs Visual Award er… ◾ Viborg F.F…


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  • Lakstein Fernandes

    🥽🎨🖌️Augmented Reality Artist 💡Idea maker 💵 Entrepreneur 🤠Adventurer

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    For the past few months, we have been working on a secret project, and as of today, I can share the following:✅My company has just partnered with Nationalmuseet and Kongernes Jelling and have launched a comic book with them.✅ I am a published comic book editor.✅ That comic book is displayed in a museum.✅ I have met Jim Kardach and the seven founders of Bluetooth SIG, yes, the very Bluetooth you use to listen to your favorite music as you read this post.✅ The seven founders are featured in a comic book.✅ Morten Teilmann-Jørgensen is probably one of the best people you can know and deserves my whole hearted thanks for this visionary undertaking.Today has been an incredible day with the new Bluetooth exhibition designed by Yoke and supported by us at Studio Rævling. I'd like to extend my gratitude to my team: Ingvild Marie Methi, Thorbjørn Petersen, Martina Terzi, and Sammy Torres for their exceptional work and creating a comic worthy of an Eisner. I am eternally grateful!#tourismdenmark #creativedenmark #visitvejle #visitdenmark #destination #comicbook #storytelling #creativetourism #creativeviborg #denmark #viking #studioraevling #appliedcomics #museum #innovation

    • Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (28)
    • Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (29)
    • Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (30)
    • Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (31)
    • Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (32)


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  • Lakstein Fernandes

    🥽🎨🖌️Augmented Reality Artist 💡Idea maker 💵 Entrepreneur 🤠Adventurer

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    So humbling to have our creativity support this amazing experience at a truly world class museum!!!🙏🏽🙏🏽Thank you Kongernes Jelling and Nationalmuseet for your support and confidence in making this comic on the crazy story of Bluetooth SIG a reality! #creativetourism #comicbook #toursim #denmark #creativedenmark #tech #bluetooth #graphicstorytelling #nationalmuseet


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  • Lakstein Fernandes

    🥽🎨🖌️Augmented Reality Artist 💡Idea maker 💵 Entrepreneur 🤠Adventurer

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    So thrilled and humbled 🙏 to see our visualisations of UAM future scenarios being used in the field! #urbanairmobility #uam #drones #helsinki #studioraevling


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  • Lakstein Fernandes

    🥽🎨🖌️Augmented Reality Artist 💡Idea maker 💵 Entrepreneur 🤠Adventurer

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    Look around. Our world is shifting beneath our feet — climate change, political divides, wars, and inflation. Yet, every year, we're drowning in data that could help us navigate these challenges. So, why aren't we using it?It's not just about having data. It's about making it real for people. How do we turn cold, hard numbers into stories that resonate? How do we paint a picture of the future that's not just a dream or a nightmare, but something we can actually achieve?At Studio Rævling, we're answering these questions. Every day, we help governments translate data into visions of a future that's within our grasp. Want to see how? Dive into our latest keynote piece on the EIT Urban Mobility marketplace. Discover how we provided visuals for cities like Helsingin kaupunki – Helsingfors stad – City of Helsinki with reasearch from FLOU and to craft their vision for 2030 and see how your government can do the same. #citizenengagement #innovation #urbanmobility #urbanaerealmobility #keynotespeaker👉 Check out our insights here:

    ▷ Helsinki's Vision 2030 or how to imagine a future yet to arrive | Keynote by Lakstein Albert Fernandes


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  • Lakstein Fernandes

    🥽🎨🖌️Augmented Reality Artist 💡Idea maker 💵 Entrepreneur 🤠Adventurer

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    It was a really fun time with Tommaso, Helle Andreasen Buus , and the team at Dancutter A/S :) Thanks for stopping by and would love to host your guys again. #localbusiness #enterpreneurship #


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Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (50)

Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (51)

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Lakstein Fernandes på LinkedIn: #enterpreneurlife #iværksætter #pitching #thesepitchesbecrazy… (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.